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highly recommended!

Both of these innovative therapies are based on acupressure massage, and have been developed by Anne, drawing on her many years of experience. Both work on the principle of massaging a part of the body to affect the whole.

Tsuboki® Face Massage

I developed this routine myself, and now teach it around the country to students. (If you are a qualified massage therapist and are interested in offering this fabulous therapy to your clients, see workshops page)

Using anma and acupressure techniques, this massage affects the deep and superficial muscles of the face, reduces the development of wrinkles, improves the appearance of the skin,  and encourages the elimination of metabolic waste products.


The stimulation of acupressure points and meridians will help to balance the whole body.


  • neck massage
  • detailed face massage
  • 50 acupressure points
  • 8 meridians
  • lymphatic drainage

For the massage I use camellia oil, a light and easily absorbed medium that has been used in traditional Japanese Face Massage for centuries.

Clients report feeling incredibly relaxed during the massage, but very soon afterwards, energised and revitalised.

Tsuboki® Foot Massage

“Ageing begins in the feet” - old Japanese proverb.

Indeed, the feet are the foundation of our whole body, so keeping them supple and healthy has far reaching effects. Foot massage works on many levels:

  • According to principles of reflexology, the whole of the body is mapped out on the soles of the feet
  • According to the principles of acupressure, by pressing the points and meridians on the feet, we can influence energy along the whole meridian
  • Foot massage makes us feel special and feels good!

Lie back in a supremely comfortable Lafuma chair, and let yourself be pampered.
A treatment consists of massage with and without oil, with the hands and with a ridoki (roller).

Tsuboki® Japanese Face or Foot Massage- 45 minutes

Tsuboki® Hand Massage

Our hands work for us constantly, and they too can show our age. Drift away as your hands and forearms are kneaded and stroked. All tensions are soothed away leaving your hands feeling soft, supple and relaxed.